【場の議論 勉強会】福島の食品と国際社会:台湾からのゲストをお迎えして

【場の議論 勉強会】福島の食品と国際社会:台湾からのゲストをお迎えして







Many thanks for thoughtful dialogues. 謝謝




















Talk Event (By Invitation) by Litera Japan



A talk on risk analysis: Current state of food exports to Taiwan from Fukushima affected regions


2019年 1月24日(Thur)10~12


Talk Event (By Invitation) by Litera Japan



A talk on risk analysis: food exports to Taiwan from Fukushima affected regions


2019年 1月24日(Thur)10~12

Venue: Bunkyo Civic Centre

(地下鉄後楽園・春日駅直結 Metro Korakuen or Kasuga Station)



◆It has been nearly eight years since the nuclear accident in Fukushima. There are still some concerns internationally as to food imports from the surrounding regions of Fukushima Prefecture amongst several counties. In Autumn 2018, Taiwan’s referendum voted on the extension of imports ban from the regions for two more years. We have two guests including  Professor Wu Kuen Yu(台湾国立大学(食品分析)・立法府(国会)議員).  After their talks, we will organise a panel discussion by inviting more speakers such as Dr Yamaguchi of NIPH. Professor Wu serves to the Senate of Taiwan but he solely speaks about the current state of food analysis in Taiwan  from an academic point of view.


10:00~10:05   Introduction                                    西澤真理子

10:05~10:55         Food analysis, policy and Taiwan’s referendum Dr Wu

10:55~11:30         Panel talk

11:30~12:00         Q&A (12:00 Adjourn)

(12:15~13:00  Lunch meeting for limited number of gov participants)



All the participants need an invitation from the organiser and prior registration is mandatory.

Participation fees (charge for distribution materials) for government officials are 2,000 yen (lunch is not included). The fees are levied on up to three participants from each ministry. Reduced fees are applied from the 4th participant. Ask the organiser on site.



2019-01-28T11:13:54+09:00 2018.12.27|Categories: 場の議論|