[Interview]Asia’s future and nuclear energy
This is another interview by Strategic Asia reflecting on the Fukushima accident and safety of nuclear reactors. Going atomic: Asia’s nuclea [...]
This is another interview by Strategic Asia reflecting on the Fukushima accident and safety of nuclear reactors. Going atomic: Asia’s nuclea [...]
Nishizawa had a lecture at Ritsumeikan Univ Graduate Course on environmental management at Ibaraki Campus on the 19th Oct 2023. 立命館のOICキャンパス [...]
Nishizawa participated in the Trilateral Workshop of the GABI, Global American Business Institute in Odessa Texas between the 21st and 24th [...]
Nishizawa has participated in the following IAEA meeting: MAESTRI - Technical Meeting on Decision Making for Environmental Remediation, Ref. [...]
Understanding Risk | UR Asia (understandrisk.org) Nishizawa contributed to the session, Risk-Know How talking about her ground experiences o [...]
Roundtable: Communication is Power for the Nuclear Industry in Japan | The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation (mansfieldfdn.org) On Decem [...]