【開催報告 Photo report】
We have organised this even inviting a range of experts engaged in different fields related to health. We were able to exchange views beyond expertise. Thanks for your participation.
■リテラジャパン 第8回 記者ブリーフィング
Press Briefing Series No8 in Geneve
Subject: How to convey health risks:
Mobile phones, pesticide glyphosate and other health risks
■場所:スイス・ジュネーブ Warwick Hotel
■テーマ: 健康リスクとメディア:WHOからのヒント
除草剤グリホサート(glyphosate 別名ラウンドアップ)とリスク評価
携帯電磁波と人体影響 (EMFのリスク評価)
■話題提供者 Speakers:
●WHO (世界保健機関) 健康緊急プログラム
専門ネットワーク担当官 ガヤ ガムヘワージ氏
(WHO, Switzerland)
Dr Gaya M. Gamhewage
Manager, Interventions and Guidance
Expert Networks and Interventions Unit
Infectious Hazard Management Department
WHO Health Emergencies Programme.
Dr Gaya Gamhewage is a medical officer, a trained doctor and a Sri Lankan citizen, currently leads Communications Capacity Building at the World Health Organization headquarters based in Geneva, Switzerland. She is responsible for supporting governments across the world build sustainable risk communications capacity.
She is a public health expert and focuses on risk, emergency and crisis communications.
For the international response to the Ebola Virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, Dr Gamhewageg was assigned to Coordinate all Ebola-related training for WHO.
In addition to her public health expertise and experience, Gaya has experience working as a journalist, a medical doctor, university lecturer in public health, community health director, child rights expert, in humanitarian emergency response, and as a trainer and facilitator.
●WHO (世界保健機関) 食品安全担当部長 宮城島一明先生 (WHO, Switzerland)
Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima, Director of Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses,
World Health Organization(WHO).
Dr Miyagishima, after having studied medicine, joined the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan.
In 1998 he became Associate Professor for public health and health policy at Kyoto University.
In 2003, he was appointed Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO. In 2009, he joined the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) as Deputy Director General and Head of Scientific and Technical Department. Since March 2013, he is Director, Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses, World Health Organization, Geneva.
●Dr Evi Vogel, Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, Munich (Germany)
● Dr Daniel Storch, Radiological Protection / Section Non-Ionising Radiation and Dosimetry. Federal Office of Public Health FOPH.Federal Departement of Home Affairs FDHA(Switzerland)
●モデレーション リテラジャパン 西澤真理子 Mariko Nishizawa (Japan)
Dr Nishizawa is expert on communication about risks from radiation.
She is currently serves as a consultant for IAEA on public communication, Vienna and members of advisory panels on mobile phone and risks at Japanese Ministry of General Affairs.
対象 Audience:
報道関係者、行政関係他 10名程度 (Press and government staff)
日本語と一部英語 (Japanese and English)
詳細:フライヤーをご覧ください (Flier)。
Flier in English download
17:00 はじめに
17:05 リスクを伝える
(How to convey uncertainties and risks to the genaral public)西澤 Nishizawa
17:20 携帯電話と市民運動 フォーゲルVogel
17:40 スイスでの携帯電話のリスク議論 シュトルヒ Storch
18:00 健康リスクを伝える:メディアへのアドバイス ガムヘワージ Gamhewage
(Tips for the media for communicating public health risks)
18:20 グリホサートのリスク評価:どう解釈したらよいか
(Interpreting risks from pesticide glyphosate)宮城島 Miyagishima
19:15 意見交換 閉会
19:30 懇親会@なごみ
(Sushi Reception at Nagomi, Japanese restaurant nearby)
お問い合わせ リテラジャパン スイス担当 堀江
Query: Ms Marie- Christine Horie
Consultant for Litera Japan in Switzerland
For the conference proceedings from 2015 please click the link below:
EMF proceedings_1_28_final small PDF